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The University of Civilization

The victory of the Great Islamic Revolution in 1357 under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and its continuation for more than forty years, raised great hopes in the hearts of the weak and freedom seekers of the world.

The University of Civilization


Universities have played a special role in the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, the establishment and continuation of the Islamic system, the defense of the holy places, construction and scientific and technological jihad.

The development of science and technology, centred on universities, has had a significant impact on Iran's achievement of national and international power and authority. This growing process of the Islamic Revolution has changed the geometry of power in the world and continues to do so; this is the main point of confrontation between the regime and the nascent Islamic Iran.

However, given the deep historical backwardness in the field of science and technology, universities are still far from the level of expectation defined by the Imam, the Imam Khamenei, the witnesses and the people for an Islamic-based civilization to rule the world.

Imam Khamenei, in a meeting with the heads of universities, also explained the role of universities in achieving the new Islamic civilization:

"The goal is to create an Islamic state that can transform society into the society of Islam's vision and ideals; ... a society in which there is science, there is progress, there is dignity, there is justice, there is power to counter the global waves, there is wealth; a picture like this; we call this the new Islamic civilization, we want our country to get here. What role can the university play and what should it do? Firstly, the role of the university as a creator is necessary, and secondly, the question is: What should we do? What can we do to get here? ... you, as administrators of universities and officials of the country's higher education system, think about this; put the responsibility of the university on this basis, make plans on the basis that the university with this record that was said, with this deep historical root that was mentioned, with this great test that showed itself in the revolution, what role can this university play in creating a new Islamic civilization and such a society and such an Iranian? (20/08/1394)

In order to achieve the long-term goal of creating an Islamic civilization, it is necessary to correctly understand the decision point and, based on the thoughts of the Imam of the Islamic Revolution, determine the role of the university and chart a course based on it.

"The university is the origin of all developments. ... Whether it is a university of ancient sciences or a university of new sciences, it originates from the university of the happiness of a nation and against the happiness, the passion of a nation". (16/03/1358 - Sahaifa Imam (RA), J 8, p. 61). Imam Khamenei (PBUH) also said:

"Today the university should feel that the country is at a crossroads that with two types of university movement, two different and opposite paths will emerge from this crossroads; ... today the role and mission of the university, a decisive role ... for the future of the country. ... Today the decision of academics and fellow academics, is like the role of a spike that separates two railway tracks altogether.

The movement of the country's universities will follow the traditional academic schools (at best) in the lower rail and will take society at a faster rate towards the development of Western civilization; but the movement in the upper rail requires a new rail and a change of orientation, and the university as a factory of humanization, is responsible for the education of humans and wise human groups in the Imam - Ummat system.

The aim of finding a new civilization based on the pure Islam of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the document of the transformation of the Qur'an, with the Imamate of the Immaculate Conception (Peace be upon him), requires three pillars of revolutionary systems, jihadist agents and a visionary Ummah, which, if realized, will result in the humanization, happiness of human society and reaching the nearness of God.

The fulfillment of these roles requires the spiritual excellence and scientific transformation of universities as the origin of all transformations and institutions of the pioneers in the realization of the statement of the second stage of the Islamic Revolution. The result of which is the presentation of the School of the Islamic University of Taraz (University of Wisdom Foundation) with the slogan "Tazkiah, Scientific Jihad and Civilization University". The "Islamic academic school of Taraz" is based on the intellectual system of the Imam of the Islamic Revolution, the origin and center of gravity of all other developments, because the outputs of the university as human beings of the Islamic Taraz in the near future will be the same jihadist agents and emerging and useful knowledge and technologies that will bring reference and scientific authority. The Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini (ra) with the ideal of the rule of Islam over the world is the beginning of the point of the world revolution.

"The culture of universities and non-sectoral centers is in such a way that it is more accustomed to experience and touch reality than the theoretical and philosophical culture, by combining these two cultures and reducing the distances, the field and the university should be merged so that the field for the expansion and expansion of Islamic knowledge is broader".

Imam Khamenei (peace be upon him) in describing this guidance said: "Our holy Imam issued this interpretation and concept from the heart of a wise, knowledgeable and inspired by the guidance of God".

Responsible for the realization and elevation of this system is the University of Wisdom, founded as the heart of modern Islamic civilization.


فایل‌های ضمیمه:
تاریخ انتشار خبر: چهارشنبه ١ آذر ١٣٩٥ - ساعت : ٠٩:٠٢ / شماره خبر: ٤٥٢٢/همراهان این خبر:264


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